Born in the forests of the Tohoku region, Kokeshi dolls have been preserved through the tough times the area has gone through, and are a special and extraordinary folk toy.
When Kokeshi dolls were first made is not exactly known, but it is estimated that they dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, during the Edo period.
Back then, in farming villages, farmers would go to nearby hot springs during the winter. People who lived near the hot spring spots would use the wood from the trees to make toys such as Kokeshi dolls and others to sell them to the visitors as souvenirs.
The carpenters who made these dolls used to make bowls and other utensils. As they went on to make more and more Kokeshi dolls, they became more elaborate and became true passions for some, who would go as far as to win awards for them.
Kokeshi dolls are divided into 11 systems, and they are given names depending on the location of where they are made.
There are many fans of Kokeshi, with some who collect hundreds, even thousands of these dolls; each doll is different and special because they are all handmade.